Category Archives: Awesomeness

Skateboarding’s Humble Beginnings


Hurricane Sandy

stolen photos from

Random Photos


Even More Random Photos

Auto-tuned Mr. Rogers and the U.S. Congress

Do you ever imagine things?

Mr. Rogers was nothing short of brilliant

I Thought These Fliers Were Pretty Funny

Some More Fun

Christopher Walken Reads Where the Wild Things Are


…as a note this was basically straight up copy pasted from

Just for Fun

Alessandro Magnani


On Education


Rather than acting as “social mobility escalators” for the “more talented” members of ethnic/racial minorities and the white working and middle classes, the educational system has a strong tendency to reproduce the existing social order by devaluing the cultural capital of dominated groups. By judging, classifying, and tracking students from dominated class fractions on the basis of the alien standards of the dominant, schools perpetuate the extant status hierarchy. Moreover, the educational system insures that its reproductive practices will be misrecognized because it makes its judgments on what appear to be “objective” and “meritocratic” criteria. It is only rarely recognized that said criteria reflect the (arbitrary) cultural capital of the dominant.  –Douglas E. Allen, and Paul F. Anderson


If you haven’t seen it yet you’re missing out. It is just yet another reason why AZ has the best skate scene.